This is really happening ..

So I guess I’m really doing this .. officially starting a blog! And what better way to start then to tell you how it all came about. Because truthfully, I always told myself that I hated writing — even though I was the kid that always asked for a journal and pen as a gift — and that I was so much better at speaking what I wanted to say rather than writing it. Which is why my podcast became a thing first, even though there was totally fears that stopped me from doing that for a long time too. Oh good ole fear. 

When it comes to writing a blog, I think my perfectionistic tendencies start to really come out and I have thoughts like .. “what if my grammar is terrible” or “what if I make a spelling error” or “what if what I write doesn’t even make sense” or ‘what if I run out of things to say or they aren’t long enough” just to name a few. Plus when I first started working after graduating with my doctorate, I was supposed to be writing blogs and there were so many ‘rules’ I had to follow and such a specific way I was supposed to do them .. yeah that didn’t work for me. I didn’t know why at the time but I really didn’t like being boxed in and told how to do things. It completely cut me off from my own creativity and flow.

I’ve since learned about human design —which I won’t be diving into here but maybe in another blog I will — and I am a manifestor and this is apparently a very manifestor thing. I like to be able to do things differently and my own way which has been both freeing and terrifying at the same time considering that I have always looked to others to know what I ‘should’ be doing. But more on that another time. 

Okay now back to how this whole blog thing came about .. it started when I hit a huge brick wall in my business — like really huge — and was on the verge of giving up trying to step out of 1-1 therapy even if I knew I was meant to do so much more. So instead of giving up because honestly, that’s just not in my nature especially when I KNOW this is only a roadblock and potentially an indicator for a pivot ..

Wait am I the only one that sees Ross screaming PIVOT with a couch in his hands every time I hear or use the word pivot .. I can’t be right?? 

Anyways, I decided to take a step back AND I challenge myself to a month of focusing on me, myself, and I .. for no other reason than just healing, recharging, and filling my own damn cup up. Which is totally new for me. I have recently come to the realization that a lot of what I have done in the past has been for the sake of others and I have been more of an afterthought .. well THAT ENDS NOW. It was time to take myself off the back burner and practice what I preach to literally everyone else.

The whole it’s easier said than done is SO TRUE. For so many things but this especially, for me at least. What I’ve come to realize is that I put so much pressure on myself to add value and help others that I kinda lost sight of the fact that I can just do things for me. Period. No other reason than that, just like I encourage (actually recommend) others to do too.

So let’s just say this was a lot of different challenges rolled into one for me. Because I also made the decision to do a social media hiatus. And I thought it was going to be wayyyy harder than it ended up being. Now I totally would pick my phone up at times out of habit, but I was able to catch myself and put it back down. Apparently, I do not do well with being bored .. oopsies. And while I didn’t go on the traditional social media, I did renew my obsession with Pinterest which was actually how I discovered that I kinda dislike (okay hate) being bored.

I did have to be mindful about when I was going on Pinterest but I fell in love with it again and if anything I left scrolling Pinterest feeling inspired and uplifted which I can’t say the same thing for scrolling on Instagram .. 

For me personally, I can so easily get swept up by seeing what or how other people are doing things so social media isn’t always the most helpful thing .. so I knew I needed a change. Then while I was scrolling on Pinterest, I came across a blog talking about marketing without social media and it all unfolded from there. Like a beautiful set of dominos. 

Now I have another way to reach and connect with all of you (and hopefully reach some new friends too) because I don’t want to NEED Instagram, which I think was part of the problem in the first place. There was so much pressure on that content because it was really the only way I was sharing my message until I started my podcast of course.

Plus, I truly believe we all need to take a step back from social media for periods of time or when we feel like we need it and for however long too. Yet I struggled to share that because the fear of not being able to ‘reach enough people’ got in the way. Again, so much pressure on that content that sharing on Instagram felt forced and burdensome. NOT what I wanted at all. 

What do you know .. getting some space and time to just be with myself without all the noise on social media helped take that pressure off because I discovered other ways and platforms I can utilize. So here I am .. writing my first blog and learning more about how to use Pinterest for business and I couldn’t be more excited about this pivot! 

And to be completely transparent — which I will always strive to be btw — there is still A LOT of fear around starting this but I’m doing the same thing I did with my podcast .. acknowledge the fear and do the damn thing anyways! 

Cheers to doing things scared and letting go of how it all turns out 🥂

Oh and one more thing .. this probably won’t be a your typical therapist’s blog .. I’ll be sharing more of my own experiences, reflecting on past events and what I’ve learned from them rather than the ‘how to ..’ kind of blog posts you may be use to. Which is probably one of the reasons I have been hesitant to start a blog in the first place. BUT I am finally accepting that I am meant to do things differently and trying to lean into that rather than run away from it!

So if you’re okay with that then .. WELCOME FRIENDS♡

I am so freaking excited (and incredibly honored) for you to come along this journey with me!

xoxo, Kir


Me, myself & my anger