People Pleasers

Do you ever feel like everyone seems to be asking something of you? Maybe it is advice on a conflict they are having at work. Maybe it is asking you to pick them up from work. That doesn’t seem so bad, right? Here’s the thing though, you actually feel like you CANNOT say no, whether it stems from the fear of being unloved or the fear of disappointing others, you cannot find it in you to say no to any request. While it seems great because you feel needed and loved, it will start to take a toll on you in all areas of your life, including your relationships.

It doesn’t have to be that way though. I can help you prioritize yourself again and teach you that saying no, setting boundaries, and expressing your feelings and/or opinions are not rude or disrespectful. That’s just the people pleaser in you trying to convince you of that. So I will also help you set healthy and appropriate boundaries in order to have a more balanced and fulfilling life and relationships.