break free from diet culture for good so you can embrace & own ALL of your unique badass self


→ is so tired of getting sucked back into diet culture bullshit because she KNOWS how toxic it is

→ waking up every day feeling like she has to hide because she doesn’t fit into society’s standards

→ constantly getting stuck in comparison which leads to feeling consumed by doubt

→ wondering if she’ll ever be able to accept the body she’s in

→ has literally tried everything from dieting to affirmations & body positivity but nothing ever seems to stick & give her what she truly wants


to feel completely at peace with herself including the skin she’s in

♡ to wear whatever the f*ck she wants & fully own it

♡ to stop chasing the everchanging beauty standards and instead discover how she can start to express her true self through her appearance

♡ wake up everyday trusting and fully believing that she is enough no matter what her body or hair anything else looks like

♡ learn to cut out the noise and redefine what beauty means to her

♡ something that is actually going to stick and help create a forever change, not just a temporary one

I’m guessing that right about now you’re probably thinking .. well that sounds AMAZING buttttt how do I know that it will work for ME? You’re almost at the point of believing “this is just my life and I have to learn to live with it” and that’s because you haven’t actually SEEN that there can be an alternative in real life or had someone tell you that they want to help you through it, step by step.

SO it’s hard to wrap your mind around the fact that it could be possible for you, sounding familiar?

Plus there’s also part of you that struggles to FULLY believe you can get to a place of acceptance with your body and live you life to the fullest without looking a certain way. And THAT, I totally get.

And I won’t lie to you, it’s hard f*cking work.

And the end goal probably isn’t what you think it is .. its not about being “healed” because honestly, I don’t think that’s actually possible given our current society and the environment we live in (sad but true).

SO the true goal is cultivating a rock solid foundation for your healing. Because the truth is .. your healing will last a lifetime so it’s actually less about being healed and more about learning how to confidently navigate your world, take your power back, feel more empowered to make your own choices rather than feeling as if you’re being strung along by society’s unrealistic and constantly changing standards.

There is MORE to life than what your stomach looks like in a bikini.

Because I’ve been exactly where you are right now. I know how you’re feeling and the struggles to try to find my way to the other side and outside the grasp of diet culture.

Which is why when I say that
working with ME will be different, I truly mean it, because I ‘knew’ all the things after working with the eating disorder population for 5 years and talking about body image almost every day BUT then I went through my own experiences and struggles after having my daughter and it was a wake up call for me.

So not only will you get all the knowledge I’ve gained through the clients I’ve worked with and the trainings I’ve done, you’ll also get someone who has been there and now realizes it’s not enough to just
know that diet culture is toxic or even have all the tools .. you also need to create the most supportive environment for yourself while you continue to heal given the society we currently live in .. aka obsessed with looks and has the believe that health = weight & body size.

You are the only one with the power to rewrite your story and if you don’t quite believe that yet, that’s okay because I’ll believe in you until you do.”

— Kirsten Vadelund

this isn’t like your
traditional course ..
it’s a different vibe

And the reason I know this will be different than any other workshop around body image is because you’ll be getting the best of all worlds✌🏼

Let me explain ..

Not only will you be getting all the knowledge and skills to finally say goodbye to diet culture and beauty standards for good

You’ll also be given tools to help you start to uncover ALL parts of you .. beyond your body and appearance because you are so much more than that🤍

I do this by combining the western philosophies (aka the knowledge, tools + skills) that I have learned through my schooling and being a therapist AND the eastern philosophies of human design that will give you a road map back to your true & most authentic self✨

This combination helps you release all the stories and beliefs that are no longer serving while also giving your brain something else to focus on .. human design is an invaluable tool that will help you solidify these new narratives so you can live your life on YOUR terms

k, now for the deets

A course designed to help you create a rock solid foundation for healing the relationship with your body


Lifetime access to this self paced course so you can come back to it again and again when you need a refresher

Gain the knowledge + skills to facilitate lasting change through video lessons that are jam packed with everything you’ll need to learn

Downloadable workbook that will help you work through the lessons and apply what you’re learning (plus it will help you keep everything in one place for easy access later)

JUICY BONUSES throughout because I just can’t help myself

Investment: $222